Saturday, 13 November 2010

Cool Cell Phones

Heys Guys.. Here i found some unique, creative and very artistic concept cell phones by Benq- Siemens & nokia which i would like to share with you. An interesting thing about these phones is that most of the phones does not even look like a cell phones. Its true that they look awsome, their styling and looks is their USP but when it comes to usage i personally think that by looking their design i believe that these phones would be a bit difficult to handle. But then every new concept and idea which bring revolution in technology field initially look hard to follow and it take time to make their place in the market and people. I will hope that some of these concept phones will translate into reality and make life more easier : )


Now i really like the below one, the best thing i like about this concept phone known as Cobalto is its 3D image/model creation capability of the selected places in the map. It gives a feel of future which we have seen in Sci-Fi movies like Minority report etc.


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