Friday, 8 June 2012

SIXTH SENSE Technology by Pranav Mistry

 Starting of new era in technology field

                                           Pic Courtesy:

Hello Everyone... When we see Sci Fi movie like minority report, Iron Man etc then did not we think that what an awesome technologies they have shown in the the Tony Shark or IRON MAN in IRON MAN movie series handled/worked with the gadgets in his apartment and lab. the technologies shown in these movie is so impressive that most of us will say only one word.. Wowww ! How about if that movie technology you can use in your daily life at nominal price by using a small arrangement of devices which would cost say about only 350 dollar? Shocked ??? I was shocked too when i saw and read about this genius from MIT, America whose name is Mr Pranav Mistry. This guy has developed a technology by using 2-3 small devices and arrange them in such a manner that u can easily wear and use in daily life.
'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information" - (

This is the combination of projector, camera, and color markers. Just wear these three things as shown in pics and here you readt to interact with virtual world on your finger tips. just with the movement of your fingers tips you can get any information at any place at any time. Wanna see a pics captured by your camera but do not have a laptop or tablet so that you can show these pics to many person at a time.. no need to worry guys .. just use your device, any nearby wall and some magical hand movement and Wallahhh here is your all pics , video on the wall :-)  If you are in bookstore and want to know the critics opinion just place the book cover infront of the camera and you will get all the critics review and rating there on the cover of the book without going anywhere. 

If you see the presentation given by pranav on this technology you would say this guy has marked a very milestone in technology field. The usage of this device for various activities is endless. You can read a book on any surface, check your flight status on your boarding pass only, Want to play a car race game but donot have a tablet or PSP or smart phone..hhhmmm don't worry if possible take any piece of white paper and here you go you have your screen with you enjoy the game, how? see the pics below :-) 

In short, with this technology whole world is your scribble pad, paint it with your thoughts.

This is some thing  which we have always dream about ..but this guy has converted it to the reality. Kudos and Thanks to the Mr Pranav for being so humble and donating this technology to the science and human.

Please check out the video shown below and his official website ( to get detailed information on this amazing technology:

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