Friday, 30 May 2008


Plants Tell You What They Want

This is Digital Pot a concept from designer Junyi Heo that's a 21st Century plant pot. It's filled with sensors measuring temperature, soil moisture and the like. It lets you know the results on a display with a mix of emoticons and symbols, so your plants can tell you what they want (and no: they probably don't want you to smoke them.)

Growing plants would be a lot easier if plants could express what it is they need from you. Fret not because that’s what the Pet Plant by Junyi Heo does. The very sleek looking pot measures soil conditions, temperature, humidity, and water - calculates those variables based on the need of said plant, and expresses its condition via a series of pictograms on an LCD display.

It’s also smart enough to know if you’ve over watered and will systematically drain itself into a water vessel. All this high tech goodness does mean it needs power but a simple USB interface does double duty by charging and transmitting pertinent information to and from computer software.

It's even clever enough to drain itself if you're a chronic over-waterer and charges via USB— also sending its data to your PC for your perusal. Just a concept, but a rather cute one, don't you think?


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